The inspired word for the studio was embrace, taken from Tracey's artwork, Fourth. I have kept the materials quiet simple and earthy, by using plain bricks around the outside and on the floor. I have used white walls to heighten the word "embrace". The artwork is quiet small, so i intended to keep the interior simple.
The texture here was inspired by the word "Psychedelic". I have put it only along a small section in this studio, as i didnt want the focus to be taken away from the artwork.

This is the "middle" level, that connects the above ground studio to the below ground studio.
I have a spiral staircase which connects Tracey's studio to this level. Connecting to Fiona Halls studio is 2 sets of stairs, which i have integrated into the wall.
I have used just a plain white walls, keeping to a simple and modern interior and shape design.
The texture here was inspired by the word "Flowing". I have used this texture on the roof as i feel it would have been to busy for the walls and floor.

BELOW: Fiona Hall Studio: "Hold Fast"
This studio is for Fiona Hall, and her artwork from her exhibition "Force Field", "Hold Fast". The inspirational word for the space is "Flattern", thus why i have designed the space long and flat. I have used some simple materials, such as graphite on the main floor. The middle section of floor is water, creating a calming affect within the studio.
The inspirational word for the texture is "sharp", and i have used it on one face of the stairs, which creates an interesting effect when looking up at them.