Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Overall Spaces & 5 Final Images.

The overall meeting space has been design simple and open. I have intended to make this space welcoming to new ideas, as the clients both come together. I has also attempted to make this space more professional than the other two spaces, with limiting the bright colours used in Madonna's space, and by making is a single room. This space is designed very simple to demonstrate control, by limiting the colours used (having plain white lights).

Obama's space was intentionally designed as a simple box. There is a sense of confinement and privacy within his power, which i have intended to represent through the box shape, as from the outside you cannot see the inside. The box shape of Obama's space gives a sense of control as everything is contained within this box.

The overall spaces represent the unity and dependance of eachother in order to effectively use power. Madonna's overall space has been design in order to depend on a solid structure. The beams that hold her space up, have been connected to the bridge, thus also forming the meeting space. This dependance represents her need for her fans, because her fame and power are because of them, without them she is no one.

Monday, June 15, 2009


UT FILES (filefront server was down when i was trying to upload my file. here it is on rapid share. if this doesn't work i will try again to put up the file in filefront.)
FINAL: http://rapidshare.com/files/246847560/AlisonWard4Design.ut2.html

DRAFT1: http://rapidshare.com/files/246863784/AlisonWard3Design.ut2.html
DRAFT2: Sorry my very first draft file was deleted as I had no space on my disk.

(I had problems with uploading the files in googlewarehouse. So here are my files on rapidshare.)
Obama's Lift: http://rapidshare.com/files/246860603/ObamaLift4.ase.html
Madonna's Lift: http://rapidshare.com/files/246862482/LIFT_CONCRETE.skp.html
Madonna's Space: http://rapidshare.com/files/246862253/madonnas_space_2.skp.html
Chairs, Obama's Table, Letters: http://rapidshare.com/files/246862891/combinedfile.skp.html

NOTE: My dining table was made in UT, not google sketchup.


Concrete texture: http://www.bu.edu/sjmag/scimag2008/images/Texture__Concrete_Cracked_by_ivelt_resources.jpg

Madonna roof graphic artwork:
ROJO. http://www.neublack.com/tag/graphic-design/

Madonna's face artwork:

Dark Brown Wood: http://www.chameleoncreationsokc.com/content/images/640xvar/dark_wood_640x561.jpg

Light Brown Wood: http://site.taylorfloors.com/images/dreamstime_6757200.jpg

Black texture on table: http://www.shawneestructures.com/colors/black-paintb.jpg

The Textures

For my textures i have used the scalar, linear and rotational. I used the scalar texture in the space where the lift goes. The linear textures i have put into some canvas in the meeting space. And i have use the rotational texture in Obama's bottom space/entrance to his space.

The Table: Final

This table represents hierarchy, as the table is tierd from lower to higher, representing the rise to power.

The Lifts: Final

Madonna's Lift: Madonna lift has been designed simple, so that is doesn't clash with her energetic space. It has also been design to resemble a podium or plateform, which she is familar with due to her performances.

Obama's Lift

The Meeting Space: Final

The meeting space has been designed as a very open space. Which repflects the coming together and welcoming of ideas from both Obama and Madonna. I have used a plain concrete on the walls, roof and floor as i didn't want this space to radiate as much energy as Madonna's space.
The Lift here connecting to Obama's space, is kind of exclusive as their the access to his space is limited, with a barrier coming down.

Madonna's Space: Final

This space is designed for Madonna. In her space i have used the wave motion of the bars that make up the space to reflect her energy. I have also used the texture on the roof to show her energy that she radiates through her power. I have used open spaces for Madonna, in the sense that she doesnt have "closed" walls, just the open bars, as she has a sense of "freedom".
There are automatic doors that open up to another part of her space. And she also has a recording studio block hanging from the roof.

Obama's Space: Final

Obama's Space has been designed more professional and office like compared to Madonna's space. I have designed his space as a box structure to reflect his level of privacy, control, and the containment of his power. His platform up to his space also heightens the exclusiveness behind his power, as it gives a sense of limited access to his office.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Meeting Space: Draft

The is the meeting space. It represents the collaboration of ideas and the uniting of bringing together Obama and Madonna.

Madonna's Space: Draft

Madonna's space shows her energy and her rise to fame and power. The wavey shape in these bars creates sense of energy and also creates the space by enclosing the top of the bridge.

Obama Space: Draft

Obama's Space represents influence, strength, leadership and direction. I have created this space by twisting and rectangular prism. The representation from strength come from the structures core strength down the middle of the space. It becomes influential as it is not an ordinary room, and thus provides leadership and direction.


Spaces (draft)

Obama's Space:

Meeting Space:

Madonna's Space