The overall meeting space has been design simple and open. I have intended to make this space welcoming to new ideas, as the clients both come together. I has also attempted to make this space more professional than the other two spaces, with limiting the bright colours used in Madonna's space, and by making is a single room. This space is designed very simple to demonstrate control, by limiting the colours used (having plain white lights).

Obama's space was intentionally designed as a simple box. There is a sense of confinement and privacy within his power, which i have intended to represent through the box shape, as from the outside you cannot see the inside. The box shape of Obama's space gives a sense of control as everything is contained within this box.

The overall spaces represent the unity and dependance of eachother in order to effectively use power. Madonna's overall space has been design in order to depend on a solid structure. The beams that hold her space up, have been connected to the bridge, thus also forming the meeting space. This dependance represents her need for her fans, because her fame and power are because of them, without them she is no one.
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